What're your ideas on Voopoo Drag Nano Broadacres?Juul Quietly Revamped Its E-Cigarette, Risking the FDA’s Rebuke
The e-cigarette Juul Labs Inc. introduced in the spring of 2015 was known internally by an eccentric code name: Splinter, after a rodent martial-arts master in the comic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Splinter, about the size of a thumb drive, got off to an undeniably splashy start. It appeared on billboards in Times Square. Influencers flashed it on Instagram. Wired magazine ran a story on Juul headlined “This Might Just Be the First Great E-Cig.”
Three years later, despite having entered the market almost last, Juul became its No. 1 seller. This unlikely coup was in large part about the cool factor and how it drew in younger people, ultimately engulfing middle schools and high schools across America. But Juul didn’t just outmaneuver its competitors. It did the same with regulators.
For all the market share, fame, and opprobrium Juul captured as it ascended, Splinter was a flawed product. The little plastic pods that held the device’s nicotine solution leaked. Customers complained of the liquid burning lips and blistering tongues. The stuff also seeped into the device’s circuitry at times, causing it to fail. That was a potential catastrophe for a venture-capital-backed startup facing a phalanx of competitors, almost all from the deep-pocketed tobacco industry.
So Juul quietly did something that manufacturers in other industries do as a matter of course: It fixed the product.
Smoking is one of the hardest habits to break. There are so many contraptions, patches, gum and other medications that claim they will help you get rid of the habit, but it is hard to decide on the right one. Hopefully, the advice in this article will help you decide on the right route for you to get tobacco free.
Before you begin the process of quitting your nicotine habit for good, take the time to make a specific plan of action. Merely thinking that you can muster up the willpower when needed is a poor way to approach this very addictive habit. Write down a list of things that you will do instead of reaching for that cigarette. This can include going for a walk, calling a friend, making a fresh fruit smoothie, or any number of diversions.
Take the money that you would usually throw away on your cigarettes and spend it on yourself on something that you really want. This is sort of like a reward for your hard work. Treat yourself to an expensive coat, a nice jacket or even that pair of shoes that you have been eying.
To quit smoking for good, you'll get better results by gradually weaning yourself than you would if you tried to quit cold turkey. Nearly all people that try to quit cold turkey fail as a result of nicotine withdrawal. Cut back slowly and steadily, and if the cravings are still too powerful then subsidize your efforts with medication or other tools.
Eliminate the triggers you associate with smoking cigarettes. For example, if you liked to smoke in the car, or when you were reading a book, then you need to change your behavior when doing those things, so as to not automatically think about smoking. Find a distraction to keep you occupied.
While there are many reasons that people want to stop smoking, there are even more techniques and tricks to help you accomplish this goal. Create a plan to stop smoking and make use of these tips that other smokers have used to quit. You may find that knowing the right tips can make all the difference in your success. I was brought to that article on Vapor Bryanston from someone on a different blog. Those who enjoyed our blog post please be sure to share it. Thank you for going through it.
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